Classification of ICs
Design Flow (Y-Map)
Fabrication Process
VLSI Components and Architectures
MOS Transistor Theory
Types of Integrated Circuits
Combinational Logic Circuits
Multiplexer, Encoder, Decoder, State Machine, Orbiter and Scheduler
Tools: ROCCC, C2HDL LEGUP, Vivado, Quartus, Modelsim
Components: ALU, Buses, Registers etc.
Using processors, caches, buses etc.
Multi Processor System Design
Gallium arsenide, Graphene etc.
Ultra-Fast VLSI Circuits and System and their Design
3D Fabrication
Ultra-Fast VLSI Circuits and System and their Design
3D FPGA i.e Tabaula etc
Analog Circuit Design (Field Programmable Analog Arrays) FPAA
Dr. Tassadaq Hussain:
He is a permanent faculty member at, Riphah International University.
He did his Ph.D. from Barcelona-tech Spain, in collaboration with Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Microsoft Research Center.
He is a member of HiPEAC: European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation, Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Microsoft ResearchCentre Spain.
Until January 2018, he had more than 14 years of industrial experience including, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre Spain, Infineon technology France, Microsoft Research Cambridge, PLDA Italia, IBM Zurich Switzerland, and REPSOL Spain. He has published more than 50 international publications and filed 5 patents.
Tassadaq's main research lines are Machine Learning, Parallel Programming, Heterogeneous Multi-core Architectures, Single board Computers, Embedded Computer Vision, Runtime Resource Aware Architectures, Software Defined Radio and Supercomputing for Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Computing.